Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon. Associate Professor. MD. PhD
Belén Seral-García .
Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery PhD at University Hospital Lozano Blesa in Zaragoza, and Associate Professor at Department of Surgery and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zaragoza. Child Trauma and Orthopedics Section Chief since june 2021.
Her thesis was entitled: Trochanteric fractures. Gamma nail versus DHS Plate. Clinical and Biomechanical Study.
She has received several grants. She went to Utah University Hospital and Boston Massachusets General Hospital to learn about Child Orthopedic Surgery and Upper Limb Surgery.
Expert in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (simulation of the behaviour of living tissue – remodeling, analysis and mechanical design of implants, Computational Mechanics finite element).
Member of the I3A (Aragon Institute of Engineering Research) and IACS (Aragon Institute of Health Sciences).
She has directed several Doctoral Theses: “The replacement in total knee arthroplasty. Clinical and radiological aspects of survival and quality of life factors” (2012), “Instability of total hip replacement: A clinical study and determination of its risk Factors” (2013), “Assessment and optimization of a cost saving program in orthopedic surgery blood” (2015), “Integration crushed bone allograft in acetabular revision surgery, radiological and clinical significance” (2015), and “The clinical management in Orthopedic Surgery in Trauma patients in a major outpatient Surgery Unit” (2019).
The research activities is 2011-2015 collaborator researcher. European Union. Marie-Curie: CAB-BONE Patient-specific predictions for bone treatments. IP SECOT 2012-2014: “Biomechanical tibia study in revision total knee arthroplasty”.
She is an author of more than 25 publications in peer- reviewed journals, several chapter books and more than 100 Contributions to International and National Conferences.

Patient-specific predictions for bone treatments.
Grant agreement ID: 286179
European Union
Marie Curie Actions—Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP

Biomechanical tibia study in revision total knee arthroplasty.
Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (simulation of the behaviour of living tissue – remodeling, analysis and mechanical design of implants, Computational Mechanics finite element).
Full list of publications available here